How To Become a SoundCloud Rapper

Ready to make some noise on the hip-hop world? If you’re a rapper in the making, SoundCloud is your stage to show off your talent and build a fan base. With more than 200 million registered users, it’s the hot spot for to hear new music streaming these days.

And if you think that blowing up on SoundCloud is 2019, just check out who got big in 2023 on the platform:

  1. Bktherula
  2. Yvngxchris
  3. Iayze
  4. Ken Car$on
  5. Tana

But with these success stories and a grip of artists fighting for the spotlight, how do you stand out? This article will give you some practical tips and strategies on how to be the top dog on the ‘Cloud.

We’re gonna start with the right gear, tighten up your profile, talk about pro-level, get into monetizing your tracks an how to build and promote.

Getting Your Gear Right

To produce top-notch tracks, you’ll need the right tools like a quality mic and headset that can help your voice shine like a diamond in the rough.

A digital audio workstation (DAW) is essential for recording and mixing your tracks. Popular DAWs include FL Studio, Garage Band, and Acoustica.

FL Studio's DAW is serious business

FL Studio’s DAW or similar is probably the first step to become a SoundCloud rapper

In addition to a DAW, you’ll need a good-quality microphone and headset. The Maono Cardioid with Studio Headphones, Neewer Professional Studio Broadcasting Mic, and Rockville Pro Recording Studio Set are all great options for rappers on a budget.

It’s also important to choose headphones that accurately represent sound so you can make necessary adjustments during mixing. With these tools at hand, you’ll be well on your way to creating high-quality music that stands out in the crowded Soundcloud genre of uploaders.

Now That You’ve Got The Beats, Avoid The Jackers

In the world of Soundcloud, plagiarism is as common as a cold in winter. Thankfully, there are ways to protect yourself and ensure that your music stays yours. Start by registering with copyright organizations like ASCAP or BMI to legally protect your work. You can also use digital watermarking services like Audible Magic or Verifi Media to track and identify any unauthorized use of your tracks online.

And if all else fails, just remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… right?

Creating a Profile

Your bio, banner and profile picture are the first things people see when they visit your Soundcloud page, so make sure they accurately represent who you are as an artist.

Use interesting photos that show off your personality, and write a bio that captures what your beats are all about.

 YoungBoy Never Broke Again

YoungBoy Never Broke Again has a banner that highlights his style, both musical and personal

Include accurate information when naming and describing your songs, and categorize them by genre so that people can easily find what they’re looking for.

Listeners can leave feedback in the comments section of each track, which can help you improve as an artist over time. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles of music or collaborate with other artists to create something truly unique.

Remember: Soundcloud is all about community, so get involved by liking tracks from artists you don’t know and leaving genuine comments on their work. By engaging with others on the platform, you’ll be more likely to gain followers who appreciate your flow and want to support you along the way.

Maxing Your Profile

To make a lasting impression on potential fans, you need to put effort into maximizing your profile by showcasing your unique style and consistent uploads.

Your SoundCloud profile should serve as an extension of yourself and your music, so take the time to stylize it with eye-catching visuals that represent your brand. Think about what you want people to see when they first visit your page and create a consistent style from your profile banner to album covers.

Learn How To Make A Soundcloud Banner That Stands Out!

In addition to aesthetics, be sure to accurately fill out metadata for each upload, including song titles, genres, and descriptions. This will help users find your music more easily and increase the visibility of your tracks in SoundCloud’s search engine.

Soundcloud Membership Plans

If you’re serious about monetizing your music and taking your career to the next level, it’s worth considering one of SoundCloud’s affordable membership plans.

The platform’s Next Plus and Next Pro plans offer a collaborator payment splitting feature, allowing you to share earnings with your collaborators:

  • For just $2.50 a month, the Next Plus plan offers this collaboration tool along with music distribution to various streaming platforms and the ability to pitch and promote your music to Sirius XM.
  • Meanwhile, the Next Pro plan, priced at $12 a month, offers all of these features plus unlimited track uploads and advanced fan insights.

Monetizing And Get Money

Earning money from your music is possible by monetizing your tracks on SoundCloud. As an independent artist, you don’t need a record label to start earning revenue from your music.

By filling out metadata and selecting an International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), you can choose the countries in which to monetize your music. Monetizing tracks on Soundcloud can earn you approximately $100 for 150k streams in a month. This level of cash flow makes it a secondary form of income at best, at first. But as your streams grow your revenue grows.

SoundCloud allows you to track plays per location, which means that you can focus on building your most loyal fans where they actually live.

Feedback has the potential to increase sales by almost 20%, so make sure that you’re engaging with listeners through comments and likes.

Legal @#$% and Redtape With Monetization

When monetizing your beats on SoundCloud, it’s important to be aware of potential legal and copyright issues. Make sure that you got all necessary licenses and permissions for any and all samples or copyrighted material used in your tracks – or they will take your whole bankroll.

Additionally, consider registering your original stuff with a performing rights organization (PRO) to ensure that you receive proper royalties for public performances.

Ten Top PROs in the rap industry today:

  1. ASCAP
  2. BMI
  3. SESAC
  4. AMRA
  5. MSCS
  7. GEMA
  8. IPRS
  9.  PRS for Music
  10. SACEM

Keep in mind that SoundCloud has strict policies regarding copyright infringement and may remove infringing content from the platform.

And last, make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of any monetization program offered by SoundCloud before participating.

By being a little bit cautious, you can protect yourself legally while earning the money from your music on SoundCloud which you deserve.

Be Consistent With Your Work

One of the best ways to make a name for yourself on SoundCloud and build a loyal following is to understand the importance of consistency.

This goes for three big points that will make or break you:

  1. Be consistent in releasing new music
  2. Deliver consistent quality music
  3. Engage consistently with your audience

Uploading one song every few months and dropping some likes on some comments here and there just won’t cut it if you want to grow your fanbase.

Set a release schedule for yourself and stick to it

Whether that means releasing one track every week or one every month, make sure your listeners know when they can expect new content from you. Give them something to both look forward to and depend on. If your music really reaches people over a period of time, then it can become real important to them. Important enough to maybe even share with other people.

Consistency also helps with your visibility on the platform’s search engine algorithm because uploading frequently signals that you are an active user who deserves more attention from the community.

Make Yourself A Release Schedule and Stick To It

Make Yourself A Release Schedule and Stick To It

Building a Following

Moving forward, now that you understand the importance of consistency in building a following on SoundCloud, it’s time to focus on effective marketing strategies.

Building a loyal fanbase takes dedication and hard work, but here are a few tips for SoundCloud that might not be covered in other places.

  1. Playlists, Playlists, Playlists. Create banging playlists that focus on a particular mood or sound or theme and then slip in a track of your own that is a good fit with that playlist. Like Colt .45, it works every time.
  2. Collaborate with other artists in similar genres or niches to increase exposure for both parties. This can also lead to new fans discovering your music.
  3. Host giveaways or contests on your SoundCloud page or social media accounts as a way to engage with fans and encourage them to share your music.

Remember that marketing is an ongoing process – don’t expect overnight success.

Keep uploading quality content regularly and use these strategies consistently over time for the best results. With dedication and perseverance, you can build a strong following on SoundCloud and achieve success in the competitive world of music.

Find A Niche To Get Into

Now, it’s time to dive into developing your niche and finding what makes you stand out in the crowded world of music – think of it like finding your own unique flavor that sets you apart from the vanilla mainstream.

One way to do this is by exploring different subgenres within the rap community, such as mumble rap or conscious rap. You could also experiment with blending different genres together like mixing hip-hop beats with garage rock guitar riffs. The key is to find a sound that not only showcases your skills but also resonates with your audience.

Another important aspect of niche development on SoundCloud is creating a consistent image across all aspects of your profile. This includes everything from your rapper name and bio to album covers and social media presence. Your fans should be able to recognize your brand at a glance, so spend some time brainstorming ideas that truly reflect who you are as an artist.

Remember, developing a niche takes time and effort – but once you find what works for you, it can set you apart from the rest and help you stand out in the competitive world of music on SoundCloud.

Promotion Strategies

Looking to take your music career to the next level? Check out these effective promotion strategies that can help you increase your reach and grow your fan base on Soundcloud.

  1. Leverage Social Media: This is basics. Use the social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to market your music and promote your Soundcloud page. Create engaging posts with links to your latest uploads, and don’t forget to use hashtags relevant to the rap genre.
  2. Collaborate with Other Artists: Collaboration is a great way to expand your reach on Soundcloud. Start by reaching out to artists whose style complements yours and discuss ideas for a collaboration. You can share files through the platform or even work together in real-time using online collaboration tools like Splice.
    This will help you tap into their audience and potentially gain new followers.
  3. Utilize Paid Promotion: If you have a budget for marketing, consider investing in paid promotions such as reposts from popular accounts or ads targeted at potential listeners who are likely interested in rap music.
  4. Steady Uploads: I don’t just mean “consistent.” Be on the ball. Aim for at least one upload per week. Throw in a rough track every now and then when you might not have time for a full release that week. Just don’t pull that move, too often. Every other track can’t be crackly!
  5. Buy Soundcloud Plays: This offers a quick boost to your play count, which can create a sense of credibility and popularity. When other users see a high number of plays on your tracks, they may be more inclined to give your music a chance. It can help you gain visibility in the competitive music industry and attract potential fans and collaborators.

You’re Gonna Make It… If You Want It

I gave you some ideas and maybe even some skills but it’s really all up to you to consistently deliver not only premium beats but also consistent promotion.

But your passion for music and dedication to consistency is what is going to make you.

The post How To Become a SoundCloud Rapper appeared first on My Music Viral.

from DJ Rede Beats – My Music Viral


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